APPLES, Apples, and MoRe ApPlEs!

Good evening friends! Today was the beginning of APPLE week with my kinders.  Our day began with the Morning Message.  The kids loved reading about what we are going to be learning about.  They LOVED the pictures and expressed their joy when they could "read the pictures" in my message. As always we continued with identifying end marks, playing "letters and sounds", and circling the sight words.

Ok, typo...  I should of said "an apple"  darn it. :0

After our message, I introduced our theme with an apple diagram.  A long time ago I found a diagram of an apple on a blog, and I loved it.  This is my representation of the blog pic.  I wish I could remember the blog.  I will look for it.  I wouldn't want anyone to go without the credit.

After the diagram, I began a KWL chart that we will add to throughout the week.  I think they asked really great questions.  They seemed very interested in finding what was inside an apple core.  I can't wait to show them after we make applesauce on Thursday!

Until next time...


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