Keys to 1st Week Success

I want to give a BIG OLE SMOOCH to AMY LEMONS over at STEP INTO SECOND GRADE for the AWESOME Periscope today!  
You made my 100th BLOG POST AH-MAZING!
So Let's go!
There are few things that can be more intimidating than 20+, or possibly 30, newly 5 year old kinders running towards you on the first day of school.

Over the years I’ve tried many things to prep for the first week of school.  These are some of the TIPS and Tricks that I have come across.
Over Plan but NEVER OVER teach.
The trick is simple.  Plan for the EVERYTHING and KNOW that you probably won’t get to ½ of your daily plans. It's ok. promise.
It is very important NOT to over-teach during the beginning of school EVER!
It’s Ok. 
I promise. 
You will have time, probably around 180 days to get to it.
Expect the un-expected.

Fire drills.
Forgetting backpacks.
EXTRA bathroom breaks.
Forgetting snacks.
Forgetting lunch.
More crying.
Forgetting just about everything.
Throw up.
Rainy days.
More announcements.
Late arrivals.
Inside recess.
Did I say throw up?

Just know that you are these little kinders teachers, care takers, mommies, daddies, lovies, THEIR EVERYTHING for about 8 hours 5 days a week! AND>>> in addition to all of your data collection, lesson teachin’, common core lovin’ lessons, your number one job is to 
INSTILL a LOVE for Education in their little hearts!
Everyone should LOVE kindergarten. Including YOU!
Slow down and Model, continuously.
This means everything.  This includes and is not limited to, walking, sitting, talking, coloring, and/or eating lunch.  They don’t know how to do it. 
I promise.
This NEVER ends.  
You will be doing this on last day of school.  
And you should be cool with it.
Plan for LOADS and Loads of Brain breaks.
Remember the whole fun thing?  Well, this is the best part of kindergarten.  We get to sing and dance all day!
Check out my post with some of my favs.
Smile. Always.
Even and especially on the hard days.
 Smiles are contagious, just like lice.
Who can have a bad day when they smile?

Well, that all I GOT!  Thank you to everyone who stuck around and read my entire post.  This was officially my 100th blog post!  I want to thank everyone that follows me now and those I hope to meet in the future. 

Until next time lovies!


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